Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hi There!

Over the years I have made suggestions to co-workers, friends, family and even strangers in so many ways and on so many topics, big and small, serious and humorous, pretty much all over the charts, that I have finally succumbed to their insistence that “You should write a book!”.
So a new blog was born.

I'm not sure I'm ready for a book, but in this blog I hope to inspire “aha!” moments for you in a variety of areas of life. I hope that you, too, will share your insights and experiences as we join forces in finding another way, perhaps a better way or just a different way of strategising and coping with the important and the mundane and sometimes the downright silliness of our existence.

Like I say, “Every day is an adventure so you might as well enjoy the ride.”

Do you have a back-seat driver in your family? I'm particularly thinking this morning of mothers chauffeuring young children, say about the ages of 4 to 8 years, around town on various errands.
Eventually I hear “Mom, go faster.”
“I can't go faster, honey, there's another car in front of us.”
“Then, tell him to go faster! Honk your horn!”
“Well, we are going the speed limit so we'll just need to be patient.”
Then here it comes...the offending driver in front of us goes to make a turn at the intersection.
Did I say it was a rather w-i-d-e turn and a very s-l-o-w turn?

Objections abound. To which, my brain goes into automatic, rapid-fire possible scenarios.
“Well, maybe she is on her way to a luncheon and has a dish on the floor that might slide around. Or, maybe it's a liquid and she's afraid it might spill. She could have a baby on board who is sleeping and she doesn't want to wake it. Or maybe it's an infant and her head might bobble too much. Or, maybe she's had a number of driving violations and she is being especially careful. Or, maybe...”.

“MOM! STOP!! Okay! Okay!

After a few of these encounters it was amazing at how very far between these little episodes occurred.
And, when they did, I only got through one or two interjections before they succumbed to my creative wisdom.

Especially effective was the cute rhyming song that they had played what must have been a million times that went like this... at least it was cute when they were little but not so cute grown up at 3rd grade.

“Have patience. Have patience. Don't be in such a hurry. When you get impatient you only start to worry. Remember. Remember. That God is patient, too. And think of all the times when others had to wait for you.”

When you find yourselves in similar circumstances maybe you can try this instead and let me know how it went! So... that's it for now. Looking forward to hearing from you.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! You made me chuckle with the Patience song! I know exactly where that came from and our kids also sang it. Or maybe I did. Yep, probably me. Since I don't sing well I'm sure it was pure torture! But the point is valid, isn't it? Keep up the good work! (Mary Jo)


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